JCC WEBB commits to working in a fair, honest, legal and ethical manner and will take all necessary steps to reduce modern slavery and human trafficking in its day to day operations.


The business will ensure that the individuals it directly employs are paid at least the prescribed legal minimum wage and that their human rights are observed and respected.


Where the business uses subcontractors or other indirectly employed staff, e.g. agency workers; it will ensure as far as reasonably possible that the same standards are applied for these individuals and it will appropriately challenge and report any malpractice in this respect to ensure that individuals are safeguarded.


The business will ensure that all its employees take an active part in tackling modern slavery and that any concerns, suspicions or evidence of illegal practice they encounter whilst working in our communities are reported to the appropriate authorities and/or the modern slavery helpline.


The business will, to the best of its ability, periodically review any supply chains it has and assess the risks posed with respect to modern slavery and human trafficking within those supply chains. Any concerns, suspicions or evidence of illegal practice will be appropriately challenged and/or reported, and attempts made to source the products or services from alternative, compliant suppliers.

Need help or have any questions or concerns about modern slavery?


Call the Modern Slavery Helpline: 08000 121 700


Further Resources:





